Tuesday, November 9, 2021

 Almost back to normal

Our Halloween weekend rally in Clemmons, NC at the Tanglewood Park campground started out a little damp and cool, with rain off and on for Thursday and Friday. Most of the thirty plus people arrived on Thursday just before the rain started. We walked around socializing - getting to know new friends and catching up with old ones.

Friday was not quite as rainy so some of us got out and toured around Clemmons and west Winston-Salem. Nearby, Deweys Bakery, saw a few visits from our members that day. The rain subsided in the late afternoon and Kirk Wells, from Campers Inn, came over around 4:30 and started up his massive grill. He prepared a feast of T-bone steaks, chicken breasts, sausages, beans, salad, and all the trimmings. Members brought lots of great desserts. Almost forty of us (we invited some guests from the campground) gathered at the shelter around 5:30. Dinner got started around 6:15 and lasted about an hour.

Our club meeting started a little after seven. See the copy of the minutes you were sent, by email, for the highlights. The main topics included a review of next years rally schedule - see the upcoming events page of this website for the details. We decided not to have a holiday party this year so our next club function will be our fall rally at the end of April 2022. We agreed to make a couple donations from the club, and most important of all we elected new club officers. Thanks to our out going officers for their work over the last four years - thanks to Covid they served four years instead of the normal two.

Everyone was on their own for Saturday. Jack and Donna Branson hosted several of us in their new Phateon. That visit confirmed that Tiffin is still a master at building well designed and equipped coaches. The rest of the day was spent wandering around the area and the campground. Most everyone went out to eat to one of the many nearby restaurants - but a group of several couples executed a successful campground potluck dinner.  Sunday was departure day for most of us - hope to see everyone at the new Salem Breeze campground, just south of Winston-Salem in April. Until then, here is hoping that we all have a safe and happy holiday season.

The early cook - T-bones come later.
Thanks again to Kirk Wells and Campers Inn

Kirk Wells and Jack Branson